Saturday, August 6, 2016

Welcome to The Heartbreak Hotel

Growing up, I’ve always dreamed of the “perfect” love story. Marrying my prince charming, having three kids (yes, three), and living in a beautiful home with the white picked fence. What they didn’t tell me, was that you had to kiss many frogs before your dreams become reality. 

Heartbreak sucks! 
But people break up everyday. 

Some breakups are little tougher to get through. To be transparent, I went through a terrifying breakup that I did not think I would make it out of. Luckily for me, I had a strong support system and the help of my Lord and Savior, I made it through. During my healing process, it was put on my heart to start a blog to help others through their journey. Time and time again, I pushed that thought to the side, thinking that no one wants to hear what I have to say or need my help. Then I realized how I needed help during that time, so why not be a help to others going through the same things that I went through. Let’s be clear, me going through these breakups does not make me an expert but it has made me a stronger woman and strengthen my relationship with God. Now, I am ready to share!

With this blog, my hopes are to help others through their healing process and help them understand that they do not have to go through this alone. It may not be you that is going through a heartbreak but it maybe someone you know. So, please share and let’s mend hearts together!

Thank you for reading and join me on this journey.

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