When they say reading is fundamental, writing is as well. Writing out your prayers can be so relieving. This has been something I've always done, ever since I was a teen. I always kept a journal/diary that I would write about whatever was on my mind and I didn't want to share with anyone else. God certainly knows how to keep a secret! I even remember having a journal with my best friend in middle school, where we wrote back and forth to each other every week. I still have it till this day.
As I've gotten older, I turned my "diary" into my prayer journal. This is where I cast all of my cares unto the Lord and just talk to Jesus. Let me tell you! Writing in a journal can relieve so much stress and truly clear your mind! It gives you a chance to release your ideas, pray, and really take a moment to reflect. No matter what you may be going through, take the time out each day or every few days (whenever your schedule permits) and just write whatever it is on your heart. During my tough breakup, I went through two journals of just prayers, crying out to him and explaining to him how I felt.
It's always fun to go back to your old journals and read them. You will look back at how far you've come! Sometimes, I read an old journal entry/prayer and wonder to myself, why did I even waste my time writing about that non-sense. It's all about growth honey! It is also great to have a place where you can track your good moments in life as well. Write about that new job, that wonderful date that you had, or even about just having a great day.
Sometimes, I'm not the best when it comes to praying out loud or in my head because I become distracted. Writing down my prayers, I am able to focus a bit more. I'm able to back track in my prayers. This is why I choose to write in my prayer journal. It also teaches me discipline to spend time with God.
Now, if your anything like me you need some cute writing materials to help keep you motivated. I always find the cutest journals at ROSS. They are always affordable and there are so many to choose from. Sometimes, I use colorful pens and stickers to keep it interesting to the eye.
As we go into the new year, truly consider purchasing a journal to help cast your cares unto the Lord. Trust me, you will not regret it. Spend time with the Lord because he loves your like crazy!